Our ice rinks in Dallas for NRPA trade show!  | Industrial Frigo Ice | Ice & Snow Rides Manufacturer
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Our ice rinks in Dallas for NRPA trade show!

On October 10 and 11, close to the winter season, Industrial Frigo Ice will participate in the NRPA Conference, an annual trade show organized by the National Recreation and Park Association. NRPA is the leading organization in the United States dedicated to building strong, vibrant and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation. The association works nationwide to provide resources, training and support to government agencies, nonprofit organizations and park professionals.

The National Recreation and Park Association's network of more than 60,000 park and recreation professionals and advocates aim to build and revitalize parks as thriving venues for youth, families and adults.


In this context, the trade show to be held in Dallas will allow Industrial Frigo Ice to present its know-how in setting up and designing theme parks with winter attractions. In fact, in addition to recreational ice rinks, ice attractions that are gradually conquering all latitudes will be presented, thanks to Industrial Frigo Ice's patented technology that allows ice and snow to withstand temperatures well above 0°.

The goal is to donate public and private spaces to citizens and their families, parks and recreational activities in fact are meeting places that facilitate social cohesion and help build a strong sense of community through social interaction and unique experiences.

So we look forward to seeing you at booth 2247 to find out more about our ice rinks and snow attractions!

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